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Mar 23, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
March 23, 2004   

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 6:00pm.     

SUBJECT: Department Heads  
PRESENT: Road Agent, David Kenneally, Deputy Fire Chief Mike Paveglio, Police Lt. Bob Kitson and Building Inspector Dave Paveglio  

The Board once again discussed the proposals for the one ton.  The Selectmen agreed to go with the proposal from Hillsborough Ford for $27,900. Mr. Kenneally would like to order the dump body, sander and plow from EW Sleeper, for a cost of $20,500.  He has not had any response back from Donovan.  Deputy Paveglio informed Mr. Kenneally that they may have an extra radio he can have for the truck.  Police Lieutenant Kitson stated the same. Diamond Signs was recommended for the decal work.  

Selectman MacCleery asked why the wings were not used during the past snow storm.  Mr. Kenneally responded that to use them this time of year would tear the roads all up.

Mr. Kenneally will be soliciting for engineering costs for the Webster Mills Bridge Project.  He was told by a representative of SEA Consultants, familiar with the process, that your proposal must be based on a firm’s qualifications and not price.
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Lieutenant Kitson has uncovered remaining grant money awarded to Chichester through the Federal Cops Grant in 1995.  He will be working with the government representative to have that money, $19,471, dispersed to Chichester.  The money must be placed in the general fund.

The generator has been delivered, finally.  Every town and city in the State of New Hampshire has been awarded Homeland Security Grant money to replace all the radios with digital capable ones.  All the fire trucks and the ambulance will have the new radios.     The fire department is not interest in the old copier.  They are looking at proposals to lease a new one.

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Mr. Paveglio has signed up for a class with the wetlands board and asked Selectman DeBold to join him on Thursday in Concord.   Nextel is looking to add eight slots on the wireless tower in town.  Mr. Paveglio has looked through the records and cannot determine how many presently exist.  He asked the group if anyone knew how many currently existed.  They did not.

PRESENT: Petitioner’s Mike & Marie McKay and several abutters

Chairman Colbert opened the public hearing at 7:00pm.   

The McKay’s explained they are purchasing Mr. Reeds property to build a new home for their family. They have petitioned the town to upgrade approximately 300’of Back Road from a Class VI to a Class V road.  The section proposed would start at the existing ending point of the present section of Back Road and continue within the town’s right of way along the existing Class VI roadway for approximately 300 feet.  There was much discussion centered on where the beginning point of the maintained roadway is.  Mr. Robert Gagne, Sr. referred to an agreement between himself and the Board of Selectmen stating the town would upgrade a portion of Back Road, starting at the northeasterly corner of said road and Robert and Kathleen Gagne’s residence, extending but not to exceed 425 feet in an easterly direction. This was revised by twenty-five feet to accommodate the snowplow in allowing it to back around in the homeowner’s driveway. The road agent will look at the road and determine if the town is obligated to the twenty five feet.   Also, in 1987, an agreement was made with the property owner, Mr. Clark Reed, in which the Board of Selectmen agreed to gravel the road 300 feet from Joseph Romano’s lot.  It was not until 1996 that the road actually got built. The lot preceding the Reed lot does not have the required improved road frontage per the towns zoning regulations.  This will result in the McKay’s having to begin from that ending point and upgrade this footage as well as the three hundred feet required for their road frontage.
Mr. Dobson asked what the road construction specifications would be. Currently the width of the road is believed to be twenty (20) feet. The McKay’s would be required to follow the guidelines adopted by the town in 2003. The road should be twenty (20) feet wide with four (4) feet culverts on either side.  

Mr. McKay was asked what his time line was.  He answered as soon as the outcome of this hearing was started.  The question of receiving a building permit was raised.  Mr. McKay has already been issued one.  There will not be an occupancy permit issued until the road has been upgraded and approved by the town.

Chairman Colbert closed the public hearing at 7:30pm.

SUBJECT: Flood Insurance Program  
PRESENT: Emergency Management Director, John Martell; OEM Field Representative Nancy St. Laurent and National Flood Plan Program Representative Mike Porter

Mr. Porter gave an overview of the requirements of the town to join, at no cost, and the benefits for the homeowners that reside in the flood plain.  The town has already adopted

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a flood plain ordinance and completed an All Hazard Mitigation Plan.  The only requirements that remain are to fill out the official application and sign a resolution adopting the plan.  Selectman DeBold asked that by adopting this plan, is the town subject to any unfunded mandates?  Mr. Porter replied, no.

SUBJECT: Waiver of Impact Fee
PRESENT: Mr. Karl Merrill
Mr. Merrill asked the Board to waive his impact fee requirement for Map 10 Lot 2.  He plans to build a single family home which will become his primary residence.

Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman MacCleery to grant the waiver.  All were in favor.  

SUBJECT: Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A3:3, ll (a)
Motion by Selectman DeBold and seconded by Chairman Colbert, at 8:40pm, to enter into non-public session per RSA 91-A3:3, ll (a) to discuss compensation for a town employee.  All were in favor.

Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman MacCleery to come out of non-public session at 9:55pm.  All were in favor.  Two actions were taken.

Motion Chairman Colbert and seconded by Selectman MacCleery to keep to minutes of the non-public session, non-public.  All were in favor.

Motion Selectman MacCleery and seconded by Chairman Colbert to approve the upgrade of Back Road at no expense to the town.  This upgrade is starting at the existing end of the now classified Class V road and continuing in length approximately 390’. All were in favor.

Lisa has looked into procedure for establishing a highway ordinance.  A public hearing will be scheduled.  The Board approved the wording of the weight limit ordinance and will formerly adopt it at the public hearing.

The Board reviewed two abatements, Hess and Mr. Mike’s.  They accepted  Avitar’s recommendations and  asked Lisa to prepare the appropriate paperwork.   

Mail and e-mail was reviewed.  Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The minutes of March 16, 2004 were approved as written.   

The Board reviewed the legal file regarding pending litigation.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:10pm.

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Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

                                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN
________________________________                        3/30/04
Stephen MacCleery

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